Supply 188 Sets of A-Type Layer Cages to a Filipino Poultry Farmer


In an exciting development for the poultry industry, Livi Machinery, a leading manufacturer of poultry farming equipment, has successfully sold and transported 188 sets of A-type layer cages to a dedicated poultry farmer in the Philippines. This significant transaction is set to revolutionize egg production at the farmer’s facility, enabling the housing of 30,000 layer chickens.

The Need for Automatic Poultry Equipment

Poultry farming is a vital industry in the Philippines, contributing significantly to the nation’s food security and economy. As demand for eggs continues to rise, farmers are seeking automatic poultry equipment to enhance their production capacity, improve animal welfare, and ensure operational efficiency. Recognizing this need, Livi Machinery has been at the forefront of providing state-of-the-art poultry farming solutions.

188 sets of A-type layer cages and automatic chicken raising equipment are being packed and transported

Livi Machinery: A Trusted Name

Livi Machinery has established itself as a trusted name in the poultry farming equipment industry. Known for its innovative designs and high-quality products, the company offers a range of solutions tailored to meet the needs of poultry farmers worldwide. Their A-type layer cages are particularly popular due to their durability, ease of maintenance, and ability to optimize space.

Benefits of A-Type Layer Cages

The A-type layer chicken cages provided by Livi Machinery offer numerous benefits to poultry farmers:

Increased Capacity: Each cage is designed to house multiple chickens. It maximize the number of birds that can be kept in a given area.

Improved Egg Production: The design of the cages facilitates easy egg collection, reducing breakage and increasing overall yield.

Enhanced Hygiene: The cages are constructed with materials that are easy to clean and disinfect. It promote better health and hygiene for the birds.

Animal Welfare: The cages are designed to provide adequate space and comfort for the chickens, ensuring their well-being and productivity.

    The Journey to the Philippines

    The transaction involved meticulous planning and coordination to ensure the smooth transportation of the 188 sets of A-type layer cages and automatic poultry equipment. Livi Machinery worked closely with logistics partners to handle the shipment, adhering to all necessary regulations and standards. The successful delivery to the Filipino farmer marks a significant milestone in Livi Machinery’s commitment to supporting poultry farmers globally.

    Impact on the Filipino Poultry Farm

    With the installation of the new cages, the Filipino poultry farmer is poised to experience a substantial increase in egg production. The ability to house 30,000 layer chickens in a well-organized and efficient manner will not only boost productivity but also improve the overall management of the farm. This upgrade is expected to enhance the farm’s profitability and contribute to meeting the growing demand for eggs in the region.


    The sale and shipment of 188 sets of A-type layer cages by Livi Machinery to a poultry farmer in the Philippines underscore the company’s dedication to advancing poultry farming practices worldwide. This collaboration highlights the importance of automatic poultry equipment in enhancing productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector. As the poultry farm gears up for increased egg production, Livi Machinery continues to pave the way for innovative and efficient farming solutions.

    By embracing advanced poultry farming equipment, farmers can significantly improve their operations, contributing to food security and economic growth. Livi Machinery remains committed to empowering farmers with the tools they need to succeed in the ever-evolving agricultural landscape.

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