198 Sets Of Battery Cages For Broilers Shipped To Morocco


At Livi Machinery, we understand the unique challenges that Morocco broiler chicken farm owners face. That’s why we are excited to announce the successful shipment of 198 sets of battery cages for broilers to a dedicated farm owner in Morocco. This shipment is part of our commitment to helping farmers like you enhance the efficiency and productivity of your broiler chicken operations.

Why Choose Battery Cages for Broilers?

As a farm owner, your primary goal is to ensure the health, growth, and overall well-being of your broiler chickens while maximizing your farm’s productivity. Our automated battery cage system is designed to meet these needs precisely. Here’s why our system stands out:

Enhanced Efficiency: Our battery cages for broilers streamline the feeding, watering, and waste management processes, allowing you to focus more on the overall management of your farm.

Optimal Space Utilization: With our system, you can house up to 20,000 broilers in a single chicken house, maximizing the use of your available space without compromising the comfort of your chickens.

Improved Health and Hygiene: The design of our battery cages promotes better air circulation and reduces the risk of disease spread, ensuring a healthier environment for your chickens.

Automated Operations: The automated features of our battery cage system, including feeding, watering, and waste removal, significantly reduce labor costs and improve operational efficiency.


    Benefits for Moroccan Broiler Chicken Farm

    Our recent collaboration with a farm owner in Morocco is a testament to the advantages of using our automated battery cage system. By implementing our system, the Moroccan broiler chicken farm owner aims to revolutionize his broiler chicken farming operations. Here are some key benefits he is set to experience:

    Scalability: With the ability to house 20,000 broilers, the farm can scale operations without the need for additional infrastructure.

    Cost Efficiency: Reduced labor costs and improved feed efficiency contribute to higher profitability.

    Sustainability: Better waste management and reduced disease outbreaks lead to a more sustainable farming practice.

    Comprehensive Transportation and Installation Services

    At Livi Machinery, our commitment to your success extends beyond providing high-quality equipment. We offer comprehensive transportation and installation services to ensure a seamless setup process. Here’s how we handle the shipment and installation of our equipment:

    Secure Packaging: Each set of battery cages is carefully packaged to prevent damage during transit. We use robust materials and techniques to ensure that every component arrives in perfect condition.

    Efficient Shipping: Our logistics team coordinates the shipping process to ensure timely delivery. For the Moroccan project, we arranged for secure and efficient transportation by sea, ensuring the equipment reached its destination on schedule.

    Professional Installation: Upon arrival, our team of skilled technicians traveled to Morocco to oversee the installation. They worked closely with the farm owner to ensure the battery cages were set up correctly and efficiently. Our installation service includes testing all automated systems to guarantee optimal performance from day one.

    Training and Support: After installation, we provided thorough training for the farm staff, ensuring they are fully equipped to operate and maintain the new system. Our support doesn’t end there; we offer ongoing technical assistance to address any issues and ensure long-term success.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How long does the shipping process take?

      The shipping duration depends on the destination. For the shipment to Morocco, the process took approximately 4-6 weeks from the departure date to the arrival at the farm. We ensure timely updates throughout the transit period.

      What measures are taken to ensure the equipment arrives safely?

      We use secure packaging techniques and robust materials to protect the equipment during transit. Additionally, we work with reliable shipping partners to minimize the risk of damage and ensure safe delivery.

      What support is provided during the installation process?

      Our team of skilled technicians oversees the entire installation process. They ensure the equipment is set up correctly and provide thorough training for the farm staff. We also offer ongoing technical support to address any issues and ensure the system operates smoothly.

        Our Commitment to Poultry Farmers

        At Livi Machinery, we are more than just a supplier; we are your partner in success. We provide comprehensive support, from the initial consultation to the installation and maintenance of the battery cage system. Our goal is to ensure that you have the tools and knowledge needed to run a successful broiler chicken farm.

        If you are considering upgrading your farming equipment or starting a new broiler chicken farm, we invite you to explore the benefits of our battery cages for broilers. Join the growing number of farmers worldwide who are experiencing the transformative impact of our automated battery cage system.


        The shipment of 198 sets of battery cages for broilers to Morocco marks a significant milestone in our mission to support poultry farmers globally. By choosing Livi Machinery, the Moroccan farm owner is set to achieve higher efficiency, better health for his chickens, and increased profitability. We look forward to continuing our partnership and helping more farmers achieve their goals.

        For more information on how our battery cages for broilers can benefit your farm, please contact us. Together, we can build a more efficient and sustainable future for broiler chicken farming.

        You can leave us a message in the comment form below.

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        Livi provide professional, economical, and practical chicken farm solutions for free & high-quality chicken cages 100% factory price. Get Price Now!
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