30000 pullets chicken house design plan

30,000 Pullets Raising Design With Pullet Battery Cage

This is the 30,000 Pullets Raising Design With Pullet B […]

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This is the 30,000 Pullets Raising Design With Pullet Battery Cage. This is the layout of the chicken house with 30,000 chicks.

Chicken house layout

Chicken house size: 68M*11M*4.3M

The type of chicken house: Closed chicken house

Estimated breeding size: 30,000 chicks

Selection of cage type: H-type pullet battery cage

Cage specifications: 1200mm*625mm*430mm, four layers of a door, each set of cage can breed 200 chicks.

Total cages required: 150 sets of H-type chicken battery cages

Arrangement: 3 rows, each row 50 sets of H-type chicken battery cage

Chicken supporting equipment of pullet battery cage

The chicken supporting equipment selected in the design scheme of the chicken house with 30,000 chicks is as follows:

The drinking water equipment for chicks includes a water tray used by chicks in the early stage and a drinking nipple and a hanging cup used by chicks in the late stage.

Chick feeding equipment, choose gantry type feeder.

Chicken feces cleaning equipment choose flat belt feces cleaning equipment.

Environmental control equipment, including fans, water curtains, small Windows and most importantly lighting equipment.

If you want to raise chickens, livi Machinery will provide you with a chicken house design.

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